Memorandum Date: April 30, 1993 To: Senator Dole From: Alec Vachon Re: Two Invitations 1. Spina Bifida Association The Spina Bifida Association requests that you serve as Honorary Co-Chair with Speaker Tom Foley of their annual roast (to be held in October), and jointly sign with him the letter of invitation (draft attached). Speaker Foley has already agreed. You have been Co-Chair of this event every year since 1989. No commitment to attend is expected at this time. Incidentally, this year's roastee will be Tim Russert, NBC Washington Bureau Chief and moderator of Meet the Press. Invited roasters include two former employers of Russert, Senator Moynihan and Governor Cuomo, and a fellow Buffalonian, Jack Kemp. Yes, will co-chair and sign invitation X Decline 2. America's Disability Channel America's Disability Channel (ADC) invites that you to attend their "2nd Annual Television Awards Show," to be held May 13th, in St. Louis, in conjunction with the annual meeting of the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities. A copy of the invite is attached. You are a Congressional sponsor of ADC. Last year, you received on of ADC's "Eagle Spirit Awards" at this event, but did not attend the ceremony. Yes, will attend Regret X Smoky Hills Public Television Box 9 Bunker Hill, KS 67626 (913) 483-6990 Nick V. Slechta, CEO & General Manager Senator -honorary position on Camera Replacement Project Steering Committee Walt Riker OK'ed this & accepted for the Senator Snelling Memorial Committee P.O. Box 70 Grafton, Vermont 05146 (802) 843-2211 Serving as an Honorary Member of Committee which is going to create the Snelling Center. August 7, 1992 Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) Harold G. Tufty Congressional Educational Reception 499 National Press Bldg Washington, D.C. 20045 (202) 347-8998 Wednesday, September 25, 1991 Wednesday, May 12, 1993 Special Forces Association "Billy M. Smith Chapter" P.O. Box 568327 Dallas, Texas 75356 (214) 979-0032. Tuesday, July 2, 1991 Spina Bifida Roast 4590 MacArthur Boulevard N.W. Suite 250 Washington, D.C. 20007-4226 signed letter of invitation for 1989,-'90,-'91,-'92 did roast Robert Novak in 1992 (Maureen West handles arrangements for letter) Spinal Cord Injury Research (Marc Buoniconti Fund/Miami Project to Cure Paralysis) February 6, 1990 St. John's Military School "Committee of Sponsors" -1973 Salina, Kansas St. Luke's House -Bethesda, Maryland Senator agreed to receive the first "St. Luke's House Independence Award" Maureen West to arrange appointment for award ceremony in Sen. Dole's Capitol Office in June, 1992 Spina Bifida Association of America April 15, 1993 The Honorable Bob Dole United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Dole: The Spina Bifida Association of America (SBAA) is once again beginning its efforts for the annual roast. We have tentatively set the date for October 19th, 1993 and are pleased to announce that we will be roasting moderator of Meet the Press, NBC News Senior Vice President and Washington Bureau Chief, Tim Russert. You have been involved with the roast since its inception either as a "roaster" or honorary Co-Chairman. We respectfully request that you "serve" once again as Honorary Co-Chair with Speaker Tom Foley. As an Honorary Co-Chair we would ask that you again, jointly sign the letter of invitation and attend if your schedule allows. Mark Shields will once again be our Master of Ceremonies. We are approaching two of Mr. Russert's former employers, Senator Moynihan and Governor Cuomo as well as fellow Buffalonian Secretary Jack Kemp (others to be named) to put the skewers to Tim. We promise to keep you updated as developments occur. The association has greatly appreciated the assistance from your office over the years from Mo West, Mariam Bechtal, Yvonne Hopkins and would look forward to working (though very little will be required) with Alex Vachon. The event has become one of the truly fun and enjoyable evenings in Washington as well as a vehicle for creating awareness and raising very necessary funds for the Spina Bifida Association of America and all who urgently need our attention and resources. We hope you will agree to participate once againl. I have enclosed a draft letter for your review and approval. What we have done in the past is use a sample signature card for the co-chairs and have them printed onto the letters. Please contact me at your earliest possible convenience at 301-468-6258. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Mary Corcoran Knoll Footnote: 4590 MacArthur Boulevard NW Suite 250 Washington, DC 20007-4226 Information and Referral (800) 621-3141 (202) 944-3285 Fax: (202) 944-3295 D R A F T Dear For the past four years we have been involved with the Spina Bifida Association as they host a most unusual evening in Washington. The Association's Annual Roast provides a much appreciated opportunity for Washington's political notables to turn the tables and turn up the heat on the press. In 1989, Bob Novak graciously agreed to be roasted. We did indeed make light of the "Prince of Darkness". In 1990, it was "PrimeTime" for some prime ribbing of another of our favorites, Sam Donaldson. Pat Buchanan was put on the rotisserie in 1991 (before he was a politician), and in 1992, Sally Quinn and Ben Bradlee faced the slings and arrows of numerous politicians and pundits. It all happens for a very important cause. Proceeds will go to the Spina Bifida Association of America (SBAA). Spina bifida is the number one disabler of newborns. Every hour of every day a child is born with spina bifida. It occurs more often than muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis combined. This year we are pleased to announce that we are fueling the fires to roast Tim Russert, moderator of "Meet the Press", Senior Vice President and Washington Bureau Chief of NBC News. The incomparable Mark Shields will emcee for the fifth year. We are in the process of assembling our "roasters." Invitations have been extended to two of Tim's former employers, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Governor Mario Cuomo, as well as fellow Buffalonian former Secretary Jack Kemp. We will be finalizing other "roasters" and will bring you up to date as they are confirmed. I hope you will plan to join us on October 19, 1993 at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill. You can expect an evening of splendid company and general hilarity --all for the cause of preventing spina bifida. Sincerely, Bob Dole U.S. Senate Tom Foley U.S. House of Representatives America's Disability Channel "The Nation's Only Television Network Serving America's 43,000,000 People with Disabilities" April 14, 1993 The Honorable Bob Dole United States Senate Hart Building, Room SH-141 Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Dole: You are cordially invited to join your distinguished colleagues on ADC's Congressional Advisory Board, the executive officers of major disability organizations and groups who compose ADC's National Advisory Board, and the 5,000 participants of the annual meeting of the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities on May 13th for an evening of entertainment in St. Louis at "ADC's 2nd Annual Television Awards Show." During the awards program, your photograph and those of the other 13 members of ADC's Congressional Advisory Board will be featured during a large screen ADC video presentation which publicly recognizes your vital, on-going relationship with people who have disabilities and with ADC. As a recipient in 1992 of ADC's EAGLE SPIRIT AWARD, it was a distinct privilege to honor your service as an outstanding elected government official whose lofty ideals are courageously communicated through television and other media to make positive impact on the lives of people with disabilities and their families. Each year ADC may present the EAGLE SPIRIT AWARD to additional leaders in Congress who may be invited to serve on ADC's Congressional Advisory Board. "ADC's 2nd Annual Television Awards Show" will be held from 6:00-8:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 13th, in Hall #2 of the Cervantes Convention Center in St. Louis. We are especially looking forward to having you and a guest attend this wonderful evening of tribute and celebration as television, corporate, governmental and disability leaders and dignitaries honor you and the 1993 award winners, such as Marlee Matlin, Very Special Arts, Tony Coelho, and Chris Burke. Special seating will be available for ADC's Congressional Advisory Board and National Advisory Board and their guests during this delightful evening of entertainment for all 5,000 of the President's Committee meeting participants. Enclosed you will find a news release, an advance program of the President's Committee meeting, and other information which may be helpful as you make arrangements to join us in St. Louis on May 13th. Sincerely, Dr. Bill Nichols, President & CEO Frank Short, Executive Director, National Advisory Board Enclosures America's Disability Channel "The Nation's Only Television Network Serving America's 43,000,000 People with Disabilities" NEWS RELEASE Release Date: April 8, 1993 ADC MEDIA AWARDS SHOW San Antonio, Texas -- Second Annual ADC Awards In a gala evening event in St. Louis on May 13, 1993, America's Disability Channel will host its second annual television awards ceremony to honor outstanding disability, television, corporate, and governmental leaders who have distinguished themselves in the media as champions of America's 43,000,000 people with disabilities. Held in conjunction with the 1993 Annual Convention of the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, 5,000 convention participants and guests from across the nation will gather in the St. Louis Cervantes Convention Center for the awards presentation and musical entertainment. "It is a great privilege to be joined by such a large audience of national disability leaders as we recognize the prestigious winners of the 1993 ADC Awards for their excellent achievements through television and other media which promote positive public attitudes and actions about people who have disabilities," said Dr. Bill Nichols, ADC's President and CEO. ADC Television Special ADC's second annual television awards presentation on May 13th will be featured in a one hour, produced-for-television special which will highlight the events of the evening. "ADC's Television Awards Special will capture the swirl and excitement of the gala awards show," according to ADC's Executive Vice President of Programming and Production, Ron Dixon, "and will include exciting musical entertainment by the internationally-famous composer-singer, Ken Medema." Blind from birth, Medema not only is a television and recording star, but also is a favorite concert artist for disability rights events around the world. Award Recipients Marlee Matlin, the 1993 winner of ADC's T.J. O'Rourke Award for the best television performance which advances the rich linguistic and cultural heritage of people who are deaf and hard-of-hearing, stars as a dramatic actress in the widely acclaimed television series, Reasonable Doubts. She brings to television audiences the multi-dimensional excellence of performance which typifies her stellar career and earned for her an Academy Award for her role in the movie, Children of a Lesser God. Tony Coelho, former United States Congressman from California, is called "the author of the ADA" and was the lead congressional sponsor in passing the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Mr. Coelho is the 1993 winner of ADC's JUSTIN DART AWARD. This award is presented to an American pioneer who has demonstrated outstanding leadership on behalf of people with disabilities through exemplary service and courageous media communications. Other 1993 winners of ADC Awards include: Chris Burke (outstanding performance by a person with a disability), Kevin Saunders (international sports figure with a disability whose media image communicates courage, endurance, and the competitive spirit), the United Way of America (best public service announcement promoting positive public attitudes and actions about disabilities), Very Special Arts (excellence in children's television programming), and additional worthy recipients. Previous Award Recipients Honored as recipients of ADC's first television awards in 1992 were Vice President Dan Quayle, Justin Dart, Jr., Harold Russell, the Mike Sewell family, the U.S. Disabled Ski Team, McDonald's, The ARC, Kal Kan, Mattel Toys, Special Olympics International, Cox Cable of Omaha, Walt Disney World, Red Lobster, Delta Airlines, and ADC's Congressional Advisory Board. ADC's Congressional Advisory Board currently includes the following members: Senators Bob Dole (KS), Dave Durenberger (MN), Tom Harkin (IA), Orrin Hatch (UT), Daniel Inouye (HI), and Paul Simon (IL) and Representatives Hamilton Fish (NY), Newt Gingrich (GA), Bart Gordon (TN), Steve Gunderson (WI), Norman Mineta (CA), David Price (NC), Olympia Snowe (ME), and Lamar Smith, chairman, who is from San Antonio, Texas, the headquarters of ADC. National TV Awards Giving national recognition for excellence in presenting disabilities and people with disabilities through outstanding performances on television, film and other media, the "ANNUAL ADC AWARDS" are as follows: the JUSTIN DART AWARD (A pioneer in communications for people with disabilities), the EAGLE SPIRIT AWARD (The outstanding government official for people with disabilities), the TORCH OF FREEDOM AWARD (The year's outstanding commercial announcement featuring people with disabilities), the GOLDEN APPLE AWARD (The best public service announcement for people with disabilities), the JIM BRADY TELEVISION AWARD (The year's outstanding information and news programming for people with disabilities), the T.J. O'ROURKE AWARD (The year's best program series or performance by people who are deaf), the RAINBOW AWARD (The year's best television programming for children with disabilities), the PINNACLE AWARD (The year's best television presentation for people with disabilities), the HAROLD RUSSELL AWARD (The outstanding performance by a person with a disability), the AFFILIATE OF THE YEAR AWARD (The year's outstanding ADC cable affiliate), and the KALEIDOSCOPE AWARD (Major corporate sponsors of programming about people with disabilities). America's Disability Channel Plans Expansion "1993 will mark the year of expansion of America's Disability Channel to a 24 hour-per-day national basic cable television network," said Dr. Bill Nichols. Since its launch on July 26, 1990, ADC has provided three hours per day of informational, educational and entertainment programming by and for 43,000,000 people with disabilities, their families, and all of their supporters in disability organizations, government, business, education, rehabilitation, medicine, and the community. "Realistically, ADC interests every viewer, since disabilities affect virtually every American family," explains Dr. Nichols. He continued, "The phrase, 'Focusing on Ability,' best describes the thrust of ADC's diverse programming and its emphasis on helping people reach their full potential." With its expansion in 1993, ADC will add audio description to its present use of open captions, sign language, and full voice/music sound -- making it the only television network with fully accessible programming for all audiences. ADC currently is seen in about 15 million households in 37 states -- and is growing daily. For more information, contact Public Relations Director, Janie Jones. (210) 824-7446