Memorandum Date: April 27, 1993 To: Senator Dole From: Alec Vachon Re: Greetings/Short Remarks to UCP Annual Conference Drop By You have agreed to drop by a breakfast meeting sponsored by United Cerebral Palsy, on Thursday, April 29th, ninth floor Hart. This meeting is part of their annual conference. About 350 UCP members from around the country will be present, including Pat Terrick from UCP Research Foundation in Wichita. Details of the arrangements will be in the Daybook. John Kemp sends his sincere appreciation. ATTACHED ARE TALKING POINTS --WOULD YOU LIKE THESE TALKING POINTS BLOWN UP? YES NO United Cerebral Palsy Annual Conference Hill Breakfast April 29, 1993 Talking Points (End of Letterhead) Greetings and Salutations to UCPA Members And National Staff -I am pleased to have the opportunity to stop by and say a few words to the members of the United Cerebral Palsy Associations. -UCPA is one of the organizations I look to for progressive thinking and practical recommendations on disability issues. -Your national staff, headed by John Kemp, is always at the forefront-- leading the way to increase the independence and inclusion of people with disabilities in all areas of American life. -I have had numerous opportunities to work with Pat Terrick and the other members of UCP in Kansas, and I know first hand what your hard work can accomplish in a state. Exciting Time to be Working the Field of Disability -This is an exciting and challenging time to be working in disability and rehabilitation. -The Americans with Disabiilties Act has dramatically increased the visibility of disability issues and respect for people with disabilities. -But making ADA work-- for people with disabilities, for employers, for business, for state and local governments-- will be the challenge for years to come. UCPA was instrumental in passing ADA, and I know it is working hard to realize the dream of ADA. Disability Issues in the 103rd Congress -In the 103rd Congress, I look forward to your leadership and creative input on the disability legislation that we will be considering, including: --Reauthorizing the technology related assistance act, to assure that people with disabilities have access to the technology they need. --Reauthorizing the DD act [Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act], and idea [Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, formerly titled Education for All Handicapped Children Act]. -Let me note -- and this is very important -- that the leadership of UCPA has distinguished itself not only on disability issues, but on making sure people with disabilities are considered in national issues that affect all Americans. -Here I am thinking about: --Health care reform. Probably no other issue before Congress will affect as many Americans as health care reform. We need a health care system that meets the needs of all Americans, including those with disabilities, and one they can afford. --Education reform. In the debate over education reform, I am concerned that we hear too little about the needs of students with disabilities. --New job training proposals. As we retool our labor force, we must include people with disabilities in job training programs. Vocational rehabilitation programs are very important, but national policy in the wake of ADA is that people with disabilities should be served in programs that serve all other Americans whenever possible. Encourage Visiting Congressional Representatives -I understand that after this breakfast you will be visiting your senators and congressmen to talk about issues of concern to you. -This is important work, and what our kind of government is all about. We need to from the folk back home, and I wish you well. Closing -I'll leave you now and let you get on with your meeting. Thank you for your time, and good luck.