Memorandum Date: April 2, 1993 To: Senator Dole From: Alec Vachon Re: Co-Sponsorship of Resolution Designating "National Rehabilitation Week" (End of Letterhead) Attached for your consideration is a Joint Resolution introduced by Senator Specter to designate September 19-25, 1993, as "National Rehabilitation Week." You co-sponsored an identical resolution last year, and it appears purely ceremonial. CO-SPONSOR THIS RESOLUTION? YES X NO ARLEN SPECTER PENNSYLVANIA AGING JUDICIARY APPROPRIATIONS VETERANS' AFFAIRS ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES UNITED STATES SENATE WASHINGTON, DC 20510-3802 March 2 , 1993 (End of Letterhead) Dear Colleague: I am writing to invite you to cosponsor S.J. Res. 50, a resolution to designate the week of September 19, 1993, and the week of September 18, 1994, as "National Rehabilitation Week." National Rehabilitation Week provides an opportunity to celebrate the victories and determination of the more than 36 million disabled people in America. It also is an excellent time to salute the dedicated health care professionals who provide rehabilitation care and to call attention to the unrealized needs of our nation's disabled citizens. Experts agree that strokes, amputations, brain injuries, birth defects, serious illnesses or other injuries affect one-third of our nations's populatiun. In addition, one out of every two Americans will need some form of rehabilitation therapy in his or her lifetime. With your help, we can designate the week of September 19, 1993, and the week of September 18, 1994, as National Rehabilitation Week. This resolution will continue our effort to focus attention on the importance of rehabilitation for the disabled. The resolution also recognizes the efforts of organizations nationwide that take such an active and dedicated role in providing care and resources for rehabilitation therapy. If you would like to cosponsor this resolution, please contact me or have a member of your staff contact Linda Acierto at 4-4254. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Arlen Specter Printed on Recycled Paper FACSIMILE Office of U.S. Senator Arlen Specter 530 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-4254 (End of Letterhead) To: Alexander From: Linda Date: 3/8/93 Time: 5:40 Number of Pages (including header): 2 Phone: Contact: Message: This is the same language as the one your office co-sponsored last year. L. Arlen Specter (Note -- Fill in all blank lines except those provided for the date, number, and reference of resolution.) 103rd Congress 1st Session S.J.Res. 50 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES (End of Letterhead) Mr. Specter introduced the following joint resolution; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on... JOINT RESOLUTION (Insert title of joint resolution here) To designate the weeks of September 19, 1993, through September 25, 1993, and of September 18, 1994, through September 24, 1994, as "National Rehabilitation Week." Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Whereas the designation of a week as "National Rehabilitation Week" gives the people of this Nation an opportunity to celebrate the victories, courage, and determination of individuals with disabilities in this Nation and recognize dedicated health care professionals who work daily to help such individuals achieve independence; Whereas there are significant areas where the needs of such individuals with disabilities...