Memorandum Date: March 22, 1993 To: Senator Dole From: Alec Vachon (End of Letterhead) The National Organization on Disability (NOD) has requested that you again sponsor their annual J.C. Penney/NOD luncheon, which is tentatively scheduled for June 18, 1993. This luncheon is intended to recognize more than 20 national organizations which carry out community programs through their local chapters. You are a Congressional sponsor of NOD and for the past several years have sponsored this luncheon. This office has also arranged for a room in the Capitol for the luncheon, and has been asked to do so again this year. WILL YOU SPONSOR THE J.C. PENNEY/NOD LUNCHEON AGAIN THIS YEAR? YES X NO IF YOUR CALENDAR PERMITS, WILL YOU ATTEND THIS LUNCHEON? YES NO