MEMORANDUM Date: October 4, 1994 To: Senator Dole From: Alec Vachon Re: Follow up/Letters from Bill Nichols As you may recall, Bill Nichols of America's Disability Channel (ADC) used your name as a recommendation to a potential investor in ADC without permission (original memo attached). I called Bill, and he sent the attached letters to you -­one apologizes for this action, the other thanks you for your PSA for ADC. MEMORANDUM Date: September 28, 1994 To: Senator Dole From: Alexander Vachon Re: Memo from Bill Nichols/America's Disability Channel (ADC) I called Bill Nichols about the attached memo. Nichols claims the potential investor is looking for information about whether ADC is valuable to people with disabilities. Nichols said he had not previously contacted anyone in your office about using you as a reference to potential investors or whether you would speak on behalf of America's Disability Channel if you were called. In my view, Nichols's action was completely inappropriate --more so since this office has done some favors for ADC. Although the idea of a TV channel for people with disabilities is a great one, many people (including myself) a lot of doubts about America's Disability Channel -- From the substance of its programming to its financing. With your permission, I will call Bill and ask him to withdraw your name, and politely request that he contact you in advance if he wishes to use your name in any way. (Handwritten IOY) KALEIDOSCOPE AMERICA'S DISABILITY CHANNEL (Handwritten) illegible DATE: 9/27/94 TIME: 9:30 AM CT TO: SENATOR BOB DOLE HART BUILDING, ROOM 141 WASHINGTON. D.C. 20510 FAX#: 202-228-4569 PHONE: 202-224-6521 FROM: DR, BILL NICHOLS TOTAL PAGES: l Although we have raised the necessary funds to launch our 24 hour per day network, we continue to encourage additional investors to participate in a full expanded capitalization of our company. One such polential investor is Rob Rosen, founder of RLR Partners of New York. Mr. Rosen asked me to identify several nationally recognized disability leaders who are familiar with KALEIDOSCOPE and who he could call if he wished to get their opinion of the usefulness of such a cable network to the disability community. Because ofyour outstanding role in the disability community and your long-standing support of KALEIDOSCOPE, l have provided Mr. Rosen with. your name, address, and phone number. He may or may not call you. Thank you for your continued support. Respectfully yours. (Signature) Bill Nichols KALEIDOSCOPE AMERICA'5 DISABILITY CHANNEL September 29, 1994 The Honorable Bob Dole Hart Building, Room 141 Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Dole: Thank you for serving on our Congressional Advisory Board and for your continual words ofencouragement and support. Recently, our investment banker, Fred Joseph, was asked by Rob Rosen, a potential investor in KTV, to provide a list ofnational disability leaders whom he could call to ask their opinion ofthe usefulness of KTV to the disability community. I immediately thought of you and placed your name on that list without first asking permission from your office. Since that time I have realized that I should have asked permission first. Therefore, I have informed our investment banker, Fred Joseph, to inform Rob Rosen to take your name off the list. I apologize for my error and I do understand the sensitivities that are rightfully necessary for a U.S. Senator in this kind of relationship. Respectfully yours, (signature) Bill Nichols cc: Mr. Alexander Vachon (Note, the following two letters are duplicates of the two above, included to match the file) KALEIDOSCOPE AMERICA'S DISABILITY CHANNEL (Handwritten) illegible DATE: 9/27/94 TIME: 9:30 AM CT TO: SENATOR BOB DOLE HART BUILDING, ROOM 141 WASHINGTON. D.C. 20510 FAX#: 202-228-4569 PHONE: 202-224-6521 FROM: DR, BILL NICHOLS TOTAL PAGES: l Although we have raised the necessary funds to launch our 24 hour per day network, we continue to encourage additional investors to participate in a full expanded capitalization of our company. One such polential investor is Rob Rosen, founder of RLR Partners of New York. Mr. Rosen asked me to identify several nationally recognized disability leaders who are familiar with KALEIDOSCOPE and who he could call if he wished to get their opinion of the usefulness of such a cable network to the disability community. Because ofyour outstanding role in the disability community and your long-standing support of KALEIDOSCOPE, l have provided Mr. Rosen with. your name, address, and phone number. He may or may not call you. Thank you for your continued support. Respectfully yours. (Signature) Bill Nichols KALEIDOSCOPE AMERICA'5 DISABILITY CHANNEL September 29, 1994 The Honorable Bob Dole Hart Building, Room 141 Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Dole: Thank you for serving on our Congressional Advisory Board and for your continual words ofencouragement and support. Recently, our investment banker, Fred Joseph, was asked by Rob Rosen, a potential investor in KTV, to provide a list ofnational disability leaders whom he could call to ask their opinion ofthe usefulness of KTV to the disability community. I immediately thought of you and placed your name on that list without first asking permission from your office. Since that time I have realized that I should have asked permission first. Therefore, I have informed our investment banker, Fred Joseph, to inform Rob Rosen to take your name off the list. I apologize for my error and I do understand the sensitivities that are rightfully necessary for a U.S. Senator in this kind of relationship. Respectfully yours, (signature) Bill Nichols cc: Mr. Alexander Vachon