MEMORANDUM Date: January 14, 1993 To: Senator Dole From: Alec Vachon [initialed] Re: Co-Sponsor National Parent Network Reception The National Parent Network on Disabilities (NPND) has asked you to co-sponsor its annual meeting reception, to be held Tuesday, January 25, in Hart 902, 5-7 p.m. Senator Harkin is also sponsoring the reception, and making the room arrangements. Started in 1988, NPND has 132 agency members, representing over 600,000 parents of children with disabilities. Families Together, Inc., in Topeka is a member (you met with staff from this agency in September). About 1,000 people will attend this year's annual meeting, with 400 - 500 people expected at the reception. WILL YOU CO-SPONSOR THIS RECEPTION W/ THE UNDERSTANDING THAT YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND? YES NO [Yes has been indicated] IF YOUR SCHEDULE PERMITS, DO YOU WISH TO DROP BY THE RECEPTION? [N.B.: SAME NIGHT AS STATE OF UNION ADDRESS] YES REGRET [Regret has been indicated] cc: Mariam Bechtel [hand drawn scribble on page]